Education and Resources

Environmental Monitoring
Native Wildlife
- General
- iNaturalist – Report animal sightings, get ID help
- eMammal – Report mammal sightings
- Using camera traps for wildlife studies
- WWF – Examples of camera trap photos of wildlife
- The Nature Conservancy – A map showing the average direction that mammals, birds and amphibians need to move to track hospitable climates as they shift because of climate change
- Birds
- eBird – Explore birds and hotspots near you based on the latest sightings from around the world, and contribute your own sightings
- Christmas Bird Count – Participate in a local bird census around Christmastime
- Nestwatch – Tips for building birdhouses and observing birds
- Pollinators/ insects
- Bugguide – An online community of naturalists who enjoy learning about and sharing observations of insects, spiders, and other related creatures
- Bumblebees of the US
- Nectar Connectors campaign from USA-NPN
- Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative
Invasive Species
- Invasive phenology- Hemlock wooly adelgid
- Invasive phenology- Shady invaders
- Invasive phenology- Emerald Ash borer
- Invasive Plants and their Native look-alikes
- What is an invasive species
- iMap Invasives – Report invasive species
- Invasive species ID guides
- Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System – Report invasive species sightings and see distribution maps

Natural Resource Management
Native Plants and Ecosystems
- Private Forest Management in New York
- Hudson River Estuary Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Framework
- Conservation and Land Use program for the Hudson River Estuary – Includes resources to help communities discover and conserve their natural resources
- Scenic Hudson Interactive Map-Hudson Valley Conservation Strategy
Native Wildlife
- Pollinators
- Birds
- Audubon – Take Action
- Audubon – Technical Guide to Improving Forest Habitat for Birds
- Audubon – Plug in your zip code to find out which native plants will support birds in your area
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology – Saving our Shared Birds in the USA, Canada and Mexico
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology – The State of North America’s Birds
- Deer
Invasive Species
- Best Management Practices for Common Invasive Plants in the Lower Hudson Valley
- Extensive reference manual for biological control available for weeds of Eastern North America including evaluation of effectiveness of the control agent
- Don’t Move Firewood Invasive species prevention
- NYSDEC Invasive species prevention
- Play Clean Go invasive species prevention tips
- What is biological control?

Educational Materials
Native Wildlife
- Teatown: Wild Neighbors – Two 40-minute lessons used to teach students how to use camera trap photographs to compile data and recognize patterns in animal behavior. View, save or download from Google Drive.
- eMammal education
- Pollinators
Climate Change/Weather
- Years of Living Dangerously: Bringing Climate to the Classroom
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Teaching Climate
- US Forest Service: Climate Change Resource Center
- New England Aquarium: Climate Change and the Ocean
- The Environmental Protection Agency: Resources for kids
- Operation Weather Station: A Weather Watch Lesson for Grades 3-5
- Ohio State University:Climate Literacy

Ecological Threats
Climate Change
- International Panel on Climate Change
- International climate change assessment reports (IPCC)
- NASA: Global Climate Change- Vital Signs of the Planet
- NASA: Evidence of Global Climate Change
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
- New York Times: A basic overview of climate change
- U.S. Global Change Research Program
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
- Ecological Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation
- Trees for Life – About Habitat Fragmentation
- Global Study Reveals the Extent of Habitat Fragmentation
- Biodiversity, Community Ecology, and the Dilution Effect
- Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth’s ecosystems
- A comparison between one large forested area and several small forest fragments
- Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Biodiversity